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Hey there!

I'm kind of a newbie around here, but this is the sort of project I love. I'm a librarian by training and an anarchist at heart, so I'm chomping at the bit to contribute to an open content encyclopedia. Even if the very thought of such a thing scares the living daylights out of most of my colleagues.

You'll mainly see me in the horse racing and pop culture, especially comic book categories, which are two subjects I can talk about for hours on end without getting bored. So, if you've got a request in either area, let me know.

I do a fair amount of research before I post anything, so I hope that most of my contributions are accurate from the get-go. My horse racing names and numbers come from a recent edition of the American Produce Records, which is about as authoritative as you can get without working for the Jockey Club. The rest will come from personal experience or print sources like The Blood-Horse or historical stallion registers.

Over on the comic book side, I try to write about what I've read and what I've got in front of me. I try not to write from my faulty memory whenever possible.

Okay. I think I've done enough justifying of my existence, now. I'll get back to work. See y'all around.