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File:Character Usar.gif



Crazy black/ viking/ folk/ avant-garde metaller who is overly obsessed with Norse mythology and folklore. Secretly (Openly) wishes to throw a berzerker party and slay millions in a giant battle. "Sweet molasses that'd be cool," he'd probobly say.

He also used to be quite the gamer. He would spend hours on his NES, SNES, and Genesis. Although he would still go on to play games on his N64, PlayStation, GameCube, and PS2, he found the more recent games to be increasingly unsatisfying. He longs for the "Golden Age of the SNES," as he calls it, to return. As of recently, he really hasn't been playing many games anymore, though he would like to find something he actually likes.

Tree likes to edit Dooz's profile.

Favorite Bands

File:Der ort.jpg
Klabautamann - Der Ort

Wikipedia Entries


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More information can be found at http://dooz.thebmp.org/